I nearly missed this story from the weekend. It's another sign of New Labour's ardent belief in the standing and power of the State vis-a-vis the individual; that the State is everything, and the individual simply exists to serve it.
They want to introduce compulsory community service for anyone aged 19 or under. Compulsory community service. That is, enforced unpaid labour as directed by the State. Where I come from, that's called slavery.

Gordon Brown is quoted as saying: "It is my ambition to create a Britain in which there is a clear expectation that all young people will undertake some service to their community, and where community service will become a normal part of growing up in Britain."
"...a clear expectation that all young people will undertake some service to their community".
This from the Prime Minister of Great Britain.
If only Joseph Stalin were still alive today...he'd have been so proud.
1 comment:
Junior echelons of nulabour Civil Special Forces recruited from the dregs of society to enforce ther rule
Community Police CadetsCriminals, drug addicts, mentalists given a uniform by the Labour State.
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